Me, myself and I...

The basic plotline of my life over the past year reads like this -
Summer 2004, gave up soul-destroying post-university Estate Agents' job in favour of uncertain foray into the media world... only to do free work - in a variety of media settlings - for six months with no hope of gainful employment. At the same time, move with family to house that needs extensive rennovation. Find self surrounded by dust, boxes and burst water pipes.

With job interview at Channel 4 News on the horizon, move to London in January '05 only to fail at interview (despite putting self through reading Jon Snow's autobiography). Two months unemployed and on the edge of a sales job in a building society, flunk interview for a deaf television series... only to beg for two days 'shadowing' during which they are somehow convinced I'm not a total doofus... even though I'm from a deaf family and have seemingly forgotten how to sign...
Get offered two weeks, end up doing seven and then land role at a reality TV company. Two months later I sit at a desk in Bloomsbury, or should I say rotating desks in a busy office where the faces change every day, and I see both the glamour and the hard labour of the media world, going to plush conferences at the BBC one day, then handing out flyers in Chelmsford, Essex, the next!

Sounds idyllic? I guess it is!
So - finally - allow me to welcome you to my weblog. Since I'm a keen photographer, you'll see regular snaps added to these pages, along with random warblings from my bemused and befuddled mind.
Hope you enjoy reading it, and please leave (positive) comments on my posts!!!
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