Tuesday, August 09, 2005

This week I 'ave been mostly drinking... mineral water

During the hot, sweltering days of summer there are a number of drinks that we brits turn to for refreshment. Of the non-alcoholic variety, there are fruit smoothies, 'fizzy pop' such as Coke and Sprite... not discounting fruit squash, juice, milkshakes, slush puppies and good old fashioned clear juice from the tap.

Water. That's right, water.

Well I've been a seasoned water drinker for a few years now (I know some people who wouldn't touch the stuff but I actually like the taste of it) and I have to say that although I get a little, well, bored once in a while, generally I've been satisfied with the product. Until, that is, I discovered water with, erm, bubbles.

"Sparkling mineral water?!" Zhao exclaimed. "I could put bubbles in your water for free!" I didn't ask him how, but I was guessing he didn't mean with a carbonation-inducing cannister.

I wasn't sure how I'd got myself into this predicament. I think it was while I was in Sweden. A waiter accidently brought us sparkling rather than still, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I was struck by how interesting sparkling water seemed. here was a product which was essentially water but with a little something extra. Fizz. Something a little more interesting than the average.

I can't stop myself now. Still, could be worse. There's no sugar in it, no chemicals (except those establishing the formula H2o) and no preservatives and additives. Somehow I think it's too good to be true. There must be a catch. But until I find it, I'm going to keep drinking it...


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