The great VEE-TV wrap party!!!

I hereby present me, the Scribbler, in extreme close-up!
Not a pretty sight, I'm sure you'll agree. But I was having a great deal of fun..!
However bad the hangover was the next day, I maintain that there was good reason for the signature blurry eyes and doofish expression.
Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time of year again.
Er, June.
Which can only mean one thing: the end of production on yet another (6th!) VEE-TV series!

Working hard(ish!) all started back in November. (well, actually it all started back in March 2005, my first job in TV, but that's a whole other series, and a whole other story...)
So, it was November. Yes it was...
At that time, we were focusing on ideas alone. Just three of us.
Then, after Christmas, other people joined. A whole team of them.
And so it was that we focused on making a 12 episode TV series. Never an easy thing to do, mind!

The best thing about VEE-TV was the lunches. Over the course of production, as winter became spring and spring became summer, we ate Tapas, Thai Green Curry, baked potatoes, M&S (Waterloo station) Yogushakes, Froffees, diet cokes, and after work, most of the team drank for England!
But not the Scribbler of course...

Sorry I'm paying barely any attention to the photos here...
I'm just going to keep rambling on... in true Scribbler fashion.
Highlights of this series...
One has to be watching Rob our interpreter vainly try and keep up with a hip hop MC... a total nightmare in sign as she rapped away!
Finding out that Asher D from So Solid Crew needed four teeth removed... seconds after he got me to get him a Capuccino with five, yes five sugars.
I'm not a scientist, but I think the two things are related.
Another was interviewing Arsenal and England legend Ian Wright, and getting him to sign for us!

I was also lucky enough to Samba in Rio...
Brazil, WOW!
It was only Febuary, but it feels like a million years ago. We saw the Rolling Stones on Cocacabana Beach and danced in the carnival. We met deaf kids, and filmed on bullet hole-strewn streets in favelas.
We got shot at on a balcony while shooting general shots...
No kidding.
But we made it back in one piece. To Scribble once more. Well, me, at least.
(Funnily enough I saw our producer from that show on TV the other night - on a travel show. Couldn't believe it! A big hello goes out to Jamal Shreim!)

Other great things was writing a World Cup sketch and getting an innocent deaf PE teacher to dress up in drag...
As you do.

In the end, it all came down to one party, and the team doing what they do best.
Er, partying.
Big thanks go to Sam Dore, for providing the snaps.
And to the VEE-TV team, for their enthusiasm, dedication and heroics.
And respect goes to Rinkoo, for getting thrown out of the pub where the party was being held, but STILL, somehow, managing to find his way home.
The reason he got thrown out? That will remain between the VEE-TV team, and anyone who can understand sign...
I admit to actually liking the Vee-TV program, but only because it showed people signing, and having fun, and not made a big deal of the BSL thingm which SEE HEAR has plagued us with for years.
I don't think there IS any real call for this type of deaf tv, except it shows the deaf have some VERY good presenter material, who I'd rather see on mainstream. It would be a shame if these lively active and quite talented deaf presenters, were ghettoised to deaf TV, and thus have nowhere else to go.
Being aimed at the 18-30 area, we expected the party-party stuff, where I wonder is there any of this type of access for the deaf child ?
Who is the deaf child?
And access to where?
"does you does, or does you don't git access... "
Give the child a credit card I say.
Raining in OZ is it :)
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