Moldin' Up!

Since I was a little pup of a lad, I've been through the same routine.
Once a year (it used to be twice a year, but then I stopped growing except for the beer belly) I go to an NHS audiology clinic and get some lovely goo squirted in my ear (that's the blue, alien-like stuff) and get myself some new earmolds for my hearing aids.
Now, audiology clinics are rather funny places. For a start, a great number of their patients are, well, old. So what you get are multiple copies of 'Past Times', 'Bella' and even 'Knitters Monthly' in the waiting rooms. Then, even funnier, they CALL the names out. So you see all these old folk sitting there, not hearing the announcement, then sitting there a bit longer, happily knitting, then finally being tapped on the shoulder by a male nurse who should know better, but doesn't..!
Then things get even more ridiculous. I'm fed up of having beige, bog standard hearing aids, so I asked last time if I could have some of the other slick models on their walls. They even had a see through model. Or red, or blue...
But it turned out there were only three colours to choose from. Beige, brown or grey. "How come?" I asked. Well, apparently they'd done a survey of all their patients. "Who on earth chose grey?" I replied. "Er, the older patients, sir," said the young man. Go figure!
The other thing is that when they put the goo in your ear, you really can't hear a thing (even less than normal in my case) and yet the guy carries on talking to you...
Now, I got a bit lazy of late, in fact, I didn't get new ear molds made for a fair while. Reader, they got rather brown. Waxy. Yuk. But now I've got some lovely clear silicon replacements, which looks rather swish, as you can see below...