Closely Cropped

About the only way I know whether I've cut my hair quite right is by squinting in the reflection in the bathroom mirror and tilting my head either side to get a good view... or taking a photo of the back of my head... that's the Scribbler way.
I've been wearing my hair short for a good six months now, and I can give the phenomenon of having closely cropped hair a bit of a thumbs up... unless it resides on a woman, that is!
It's neat, requires little maintenance and tends to look remarkably clean (even when Mr S is a dirty stop out for weeks on end). In short, it's convenient, remarkably so.
Allowed to grow of its own accord, the Scribbler's hair can become independently curly, almost perm-like, much to the joy of his peers who enjoy nothing more than ridiculing the illustrious barnet.
When shaved, this scalp, almost fully visible with hair cut short, has the added bonus of scaring off any would-be trouble makers - allowing not only the man himself (who happens to be writing this) but also his entourage, free access to London's finest clubs and bars by virtue of gaining instant respect from similarly-cropped heavies who man the doors.
Which is neat indeed.
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