Scribbling on the railways

I've always maintained that you can scribble just about anywhere. On paper, walls, and maybe even on people if that's what gets you all excited on a weekend…
There's certain places that aren't so good. Like on a bus, stopping and starting and swinging all over the road. No, that ain't so good I'm afraid. Or while riding a motorbike. That's just plain reckless.
But there's something cool about scribbling ten to the dozen on a train. You've got a panoramic view of the world going by… faces to look at, refreshments on a cart, what could be better? Add an iPod to the equation and you're laughing.

Even when you've just been chatting to estate agents in Brighton for the afternoon… what joy!
I mostly listened to Jeff Buckley, Johnny Cash, John Martyn (as ever) and even a little bit of old Joni Mitchell. Just to show you how up to date my music tastes are...
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