Friday, October 20, 2006

Scribbling on the railways

I've always maintained that you can scribble just about anywhere. On paper, walls, and maybe even on people if that's what gets you all excited on a weekend…

There's certain places that aren't so good. Like on a bus, stopping and starting and swinging all over the road. No, that ain't so good I'm afraid. Or while riding a motorbike. That's just plain reckless.

But there's something cool about scribbling ten to the dozen on a train. You've got a panoramic view of the world going by… faces to look at, refreshments on a cart, what could be better? Add an iPod to the equation and you're laughing.

Even when you've just been chatting to estate agents in Brighton for the afternoon… what joy!
I mostly listened to Jeff Buckley, Johnny Cash, John Martyn (as ever) and even a little bit of old Joni Mitchell. Just to show you how up to date my music tastes are...


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