Monday, July 18, 2005

Natural blondes, saunas and lakes, here I come..!

Last day at work before a week in beautiful Scandinavia...

Six months in London and I’ve barely spent two whole days out of the smog. In between unemployment and reality TV there was the crazy journey that was seven weeks at VEE-TV, and mad nights out on the town that seemed to occur every other day! I’ve been hankering for a proper break for a while and so it is that tomorrow morning, I fly to Gothenburg, Sweden for seven days… can’t wait!

At last I’m getting a break from the hustle and bustle, and a plunge straight into the idyll (hopefully) that is Sweden. I’ve been promised lakeside camps, expensive beer (!) and natural blondes. I’ve packed my camera, ipod and Nick Drake biography, and since I’m meeting Steve and his finance Laura at Stansted Aiport tomorrow morning, it looks like I won’t be short of conversation either. Once there, we're meeting Steve Daly, another school buddy who currently works for Volvo! He's going to show us around. On top of that, I have a list of things I can’t wait to do on holidays (I feel like a kid right now) and here they are…

1) Sample that full-body rush you get when the plane launches into the sky on take-off... don’t we all wish the rush would last longer?

2) Taking numerous saunas (preferably with natural blondes)

3) Swimming in lakes (a favourite Swedish pastime apparently)

4) Doing some writing… I’ve got a deaf film treatment which still isn’t finished, and need some peaceful time in which to think!

5) Taking as many photos as I can...

6) Sampling the Swedish ale… in moderation of course...

7) Seeing some of Gothenburg's 17 museums, 25 theatre stages and 38 cinema screens, in the shadow of the Poseidon statue (photo on its way..!)

8) Discovering the truth about Nick Drake’s tragic life (uplifting stuff!)

9) Finding some tasty stories about Steve for my best man’s speech… I’ve got a few, but they’re just not controversial enough…

10) Not having to go to work for seven whole days, YAY!

Dear blog reader, I’m just too excited to think of any more to write. Keep looking though, because I’m going to keep postin’!


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