The lady who got stuck on the tube...
For reasons I will go on to explain, she is probably still riding the Victoria line now...
George and I were en route - a couple of Saturdays ago - to see some art at Tate Britain and just managed to get on to the tube before it departed Warren Street. Unfortunately, she (the lady photographed) jumped on just behind us, as the doors were sliding shut.
She only just managed to get her body on the train, dragging most of the plant through behind her. The final leaves were being pulled through the rubber ends of the doors as they firmly shut, and the tube departed!
The lady had a relived smile on her face, obviously happy that she’d made it onto the train. However, since she couldn’t get the final leaves of the plant though, she couldn't sit down, and had to stay there in the doorwell, holding the plant up.
Not such a huge disaster, although there were chuckles from the surrounding passengers.
However, what followed was after that every single station saw the doors on the other side of the carriage open. She couldn’t get off with plant in tow at Oxford Circus, or Green Park, and even at Victoria, where she finally wanted to alight. Her smile turned to dismay.
We finally left her at Pimlico, still there, hoping that the doors would finally open on the other side of the train. She attempted a smile as we left, and wished her good luck.
For all we know, she is still stuck on that train right now… although she seemed nice enough, so I hope not!
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