Last day in Sweden

It's nearly three months ago now, but I still have fond (*sniff*) memories of the week I spent in Sweden in July. This being the first summer I have ever worked full time (and about time too! I hear my Mum cry) it's probably the first summer I've hardly seen the sea - except for the last day we were in Gothenburg.
It wasn't the warmest of days.
Knowing that we needed to make the most of the opportunity, we decided we'd just have to jump in, somehow. To make matters worse, several large jellyfish which just wouldn't stop drifting around - seemingly settling wherever we were thinking of jumping in!
Stevie D and I were the first to step up, carrying a football to make it seem as though getting in the water was going to have some kind of 'fun' element. I suggested that if I could kick the ball onto the diving platform (pictured below) that he'd have to jump in first. Needless to say, I skewed my shot hopelessly wide. I dived in, and the water was freezing. To make matters worse, I had to swim 30 ft to get to where the ball was.
Was that the cold water stinging my feet, or was a jellyfish just pleased to see me?! Soon, I had goose pimples. My skin started to go pink. It was a numb cold.
Then, a couple of minutes later, it suddenly started to feel warm again. That's always the way, isn't it?

I should say that there are two reasons for publishing these shots of Stevie D looking like a aqua version of action man. Firstly, I couldn't take photos of myself (not physically possible so close to the water) which I'm sure you're all pleased about, although I'm gutted, obviously.
But the real reason is that Stevie D's always fancied himself as something of a calendar boy (you should see the great man's collection of hair-care products). These photos will serve to either encourage or dash his dreams. It's up to you, the blog audience, to decide!

The shot below is yet another 'band' style shot which we seemed to perfect that day. Not sure whether Stevie D was really trying to work out the mathematical equation for the perfect sea temperature, or whether he was trying to break wind. More probably, he was attempting his trademark pout. Steve Brown in the background looks pretty pleased with himself though.

Back to those jellyfish - right where we were diving in the water, we suddenly saw a light shape deep down. The blighters were getting a bit too close for comfort. The underwater drift was getting pretty unpredictable. It was time to call an end to any seaside activities for another summer. Even as I write, a tear rolls down my cheek and onto my keyboard.
Perhaps they were getting revenge for my activities in Beijing - my first meal there was jellyfish in vinegar. It was disgusting - sloshes all around your mouth. Now they were aiming for revenge.

Don't know what it is about Steve Brown, but he seems to have perfected the art of looking like a serial killer on camera...

After a while, even his fiance, Laura, was keeping an eye on this would-be crazed lunatic from a distance. You just never know with some people...

So, another week goes by - and life's pretty good right now. I'm doing a scriptwriting course in Covent Garden, work has some great prospects on the horizon, and this weekend, Steve Brown's coming down to the Ghetto for a few beers on Saturday night. England play tomorrow, which should mean we'll need cheering up.
Ady's now in Brisbane, Australia, surfing at 5 in the morning, sending emails about how much fun he's having. We're all jealous, very jealous.
Mum and Dad are having their bathroom done. I'm really excited about it. Really, I am!
As always, thanks for reading (this far!) and hope you all have a weekend full of mad, unadulterated fun. Watch out for those jellyfish.
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