WIN! a Scribbler T-Shirt... for the 1000th hit!

This here, ladies and gentlemen, is the first Scribbler T-Shirt! As with every scribble, it's been painted entirely at random for the sheer fun of it. There's a character there, a face, but no meaning whatsoever. Except any meaning you might wish to put on it.
As it's a first edition, it's got the potential to be an extremely valuable (and unique) piece of fashionware. And it could easily be yours.
This blog has been running for over three months now, and is on the verge of it's 80th post, and more importantly, its 1000th hit. (You can count the number of people who've read the Scribbler by scrolling to the very bottom of this page) To celebrate, the first person to send an email claiming the T-Shirt after the 1000th hit, will receive it through the post, entirely free of charge.
That's an offer you can't refuse surely?
All you have to do is email me, The Scribbler, claiming your prize, while also telling me one random thing you'd like me to write about on this blog. It can be anything you like. Email me at:
Happy claiming!
I think you should send these other anonymous bloggers your t-shirt...
Hmmm. Yeah, I'll think about it.
Not sure how easy they are to track down though...
Has anybody asked for it yet? If not I'll take it ;-)
THINK THE T-SHIRT should go up North, just what we need in the wet winter, something to brighten up these dull and damp days. Go on you know it makes sense to send it here. j
You need more than a t-shirt to keep warm up here at the moment..
I've actually deleted those two junk-comments - they're a real pain in the neck, not least because one of them was probably the 1000th hit!!
More than happy to send you a scribbler t-shirt John, it'll be good advertising for me!! The winner was James Paratt, my housemate at university, so you'll have to make do with a compromise.
No, no, don't pay anything. Really, don't! I remember the jumpers you made kept my family warm (even though they were too large for me) for more than a few Christmases! 1 condition: you have to send me a photo of you wearing it!
Och well, the best man won.
well will be happy to send you a photo, will look out for the postman every day. Free advertising now thats a real winner, as us Northerns love a free gift!!!
postman came, thanks for such an amazing piece of original art work, i will insure it along with the china. Well will get Cathy to model the shirt in some of the fine places in Bolton. Photos to follow!
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