The day after Phoenix Nights... an altogether more rural escapade in Wooton Wawen...

After suffering through an incredibly bad band (I've nicknamed them The Pits) the night before (see yesterday's post) we decided that the best course of recovery on a late Sunday afternoon would be to take a drive into the Warwickshire countryside for a good old Sunday roast (and not a footballers one), and a wandering walk along the canal.

In soap operas such as Eastenders, Dirty Den would have popped out of the shadows, pulled out a gun and committed a muder along the way. In trash clip shows such as You've been framed, someone would have hilariously tripped and fallen in the water. In Jackass: The Movie, someone would have jumped in the water, pulled up a rubber tyre from the bottom, then pretended to drown before swallowing a gulp of raw sewage. Then their mates would have taken golfing pot-shots at them.
Alas, this was not TV (for a change). This was a relaxing Sunday afternoon in Wooton Wawen, thank-you very much. Keep on reading if you fancy a relaxing account, but if you want something a little more edgy and exciting, you might want to check out, instead..!

So, erm. The sun was shining, the weather was pleasant, the trees glistened with dew...
Nice. Really nice. Not the most exciting thing to write about, but really, really nice.

What a nice tree! This tree reminded me of one I always used to see on the way to my terrible estate-agents job two years ago. It was a tree that gave me hope. If it could persevere in a farmers field, alone, for so long, maybe there was hope for us all. Or something like that...
A really, beautiful tree. Could I emphasise that any more?

Driving shots. Would like to say we were involved in some mad chase, but we weren't. It was an ordinary, quiet Sunday afternoon made spectacular by some gorgeous contryside. Boring stuff. Beautifully boring stuff.

I'll find some exciting car chases to write about next time.
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