The Scribbler Year Blogged! Goodbye 05!

Friends, family, hangers-on (!) welcome to a fond farewell to the blogging year that was... 2005!
I say year in the loosest possible sense. It was not a year. In fact, The Scribbler's hardly been going 6 months. But in another (loose!) sense, the blog packed in a year's (at least!) worth of tales, foibles and yarns, all for the (dubious) pleasure of my readers!
A look at the viewing data for the site has revealed fans in far away places such as Australia, Italy, Canada and even Slough, England. Glam - hip, hip! Don't know what that means, either..!
Without further ado then, here's a selection of defining snaps with totally bizarre commentary - the snaps are collected together quite randomly, in the finest Scribbler tradition.
Oh, and if you'd like to sign up for the free (isn't everything?) Scribbler Friday email, then you can. Just drop me a (blank or otherwise) email to, and your life will be enhanced in a thousand different electronic ways... every Friday. Too good to refuse? Yes, I think so!
So there it is. New blogs for a new year coming straight up. But first... a look back!
Thanks and enjoy!

This is the room in which I live, talk and write. And sleep. And whatever. It's a fun life, and it's not all black and white you know. A bit of colour creeps in, occasionally..!

I like to sit on park benches, I do. While pretending to be a world class goalkeeper. With or without a ball. Because that's the joy of life, that is. Living it. And making world class saves... in thin air.

If ever there's a time for gangsta rap, it's surely at 1am in the morning, in a bathroom with an airvent connecting a whole host of flats. George and Zhao were only too happy to oblige, and for that, they will always be heroes on the Regents Park Estate. With anyone who doesn't go to bed before 1am, that is.

My favourite Scribble. Yay! Not much more to say... it stands on my bedroom door, it does. And only a lucky few have seen it in real life. Where it is even more spectacular than on the computer screen...

The ladies favourite, Stevie D, jumping into jellyfish infested waters in Gothenburg last July. What a man. Looks like he's hanging there, but he's not. Which makes this probably my favourite snap of the year... and the favourite for eligible women across the globe, too...
The real life Phoenix Nights. Take a pub in Birmingham, a talented friend, a few daggers from the regulars, a frankly awful band and a number of encores, and a demented cameo from a Ricky Gervais look-alike, and you'll have an idea of how bad this night really was. Steve Brown's still in recovery, and to be honest, so am I.

The 1000th hit! A T-Shirt deservedly won by James Parratt of Leeds (and soon NYC) for clicking fastest! Watch out for the 2000th hit T-Shirt, which will surely be pink, glittered and quite possibly made from pure spandex... might not be giving that one away, frankly.

Eddie's recovery. A frantic dash back to Nottingham, a brother in surgery, parents struggling to remain awake after pulling an all nighter... that's what they mean when they say life's more dramatic than any drama could be. Except there was no drama in the end, as Eddie made a full and exuberant recovery. Which is a relief. Drama ain't always good, y'know..!

This is London. Or at least, the London that exists a few feet below the pavements. Lots of people, crowded carriages, and no chatter, at all. Still, it's remarkably loud, slightly claustrophobic, and often late. But I love the tube anyway. Why? Dunno really.

A lot of the time, The Scribbler's just plain scruffy. But other times, the Scribbler scrubs up and makes an effort. And Ady's graduation was one of those times...

Shiny painted fingernails. Always good, particularly for hand-model work in ironic photos. Not my fingernails I should add, although I appreciated them all the same.

Finally, last but not least, the infamous VEE-Tv bed bundle after VEE-drinks before Christmas. Ady had only met the crowd that night, but methinks they took a liking to him... and my bed's been springy ever since. Still, they had their fun!
So not a bad year at all. Over the next few weeks, the Scribbler will be presenting accounts of New Year's Eve, Christmas joviality and a whole load of other stuff no-one would ever be prepared to pay for the joy of reading. Which is lucky, because The Scribbler is written for love, and love alone. And love, while being one of our most valuable commodities, also happens to be free. As is The Scribbler. Enjoy! Happy 2006, people!
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