When the Scribbler got (Salad) creamed...

Some people out there love their salad cream. They put it on everything, from bagels to potato salad. They keep 2 bottles at any one time just in case of shortages.
These people may be part of the Scribbler's life, but that's strictly them, and not their salad cream...
So there I was this morning, checking out the Sainsbury's, in Essex (lovely part of the world) when what should happen as I'm asking for directions to the sandwich counter?
A bottle of salad cream fell from the shelf stacker's arms.
The Scribbler, always holding social courtousey as a priorty, jumped forward to catch the falling, cream coloured bottle.
And what did I get for it? A veritable explosion of salad cream all over not only the floor, but also over the Scribbler's jeans. Heck, it was almost the world's first salad cream Scribble attempt. And not a very impressive one at that.
Luckily, I did get a £10 luncheon voucher from the apologetic stacker, which in the Scribbler's eyes, makes up for all but the harshest misdeeds.
I invested the salad cream stained voucher in strawberries, an apple, a banana and freshly squeezed orange juice. I'm going through a bit of a fruit kick at the moment, and I'll keep you posted on whether it returns any dividends.
And in case you're wondering, no, I didn't have salad cream with that...
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