Wednesday, October 04, 2006

When Mum and Auntie Bridget gossip in the car...

A trip to watch a comedy show at dusk last Saturday was also a great opportunity to observe (and take notes on) how women natter to each other on a car journey...

From what I could ascertain, it went a bit like this.

10 mins - Mum gossips to Bridget... (natter natter, think, natter)

1 minute break - Bridget: "Hmmm, yes..." (then thinks about it for a while)

10 mins - Bridget gossips to Mum (natter natter natter, think)

5 mins break - Mum: "Hmmm, of course." (thinks some more)

Ady and I in the back: "Can you put a new CD on please?"

Then repeat the whole process three times.

And that pretty much adds up to a whole car journey.



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