The Family Express (1990) and the beginning of the Scribbler

This is the first issue of the 'Family Express,' which was my attempt to start a small newspaper when I was nine years old... joke.
The small town I lived in, Chipping Norton, had it's own local monthly newspaper and I remember spending several happy months at Primary school doing a media studies project. Then my imagination kicked into overdrive...
I called it the Family Express because a) it was mostly about my family (ahhh) and b) my family read the Daily Express an awful lot (bows head)
Having thought of a name, I appropriated an old typewriter (this was in the days before desktop publishing) and got a 20p advance from a handful of neighbours (who seemed really encouraging at the time, even if they were probably disappointed that all the news was about, well, my extended family) and my Dad promised to photocopy it all at work (for a print run of ten copies. Which sold out, BTW).
I drew cartoons, reported on the birth of my cousin, rambled on about David Platt and Nottingham Forest and Dan Dare...
I even broke a few copyright laws by inserting comic strips from real newspapers like the Gambols. The village police turned a blind eye to it though... phew.
Then I sent the first copies off to my nearest and dearest. Having decided on a 20p cover price, I doubled my pocket money (or sweet money, for that was how it was spent) in the process.
I still remember how being the editor of my own small newspaper seemed so magical... it was the first (and last) time I've ever experienced real power, I think.
Then, after several months of fun, I suddenly realised the pressure was getting to me, I think. I suddenly decided to stop rembling on and instead abruptly returned to fun childish things like running around aimlessly, riding my bike and ultimately, grazing my knees an awful lot.
PS. Thanks to my Grandma for sorting through all her stuff and sending my old memories to me, much appreciated.
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