The Scribbler turns 24!

Just round the corner from my London flat, numerous Jack Daniels and Cokes were consumed at the lovely American style saloon bar, 4th Street.
I was joined by a few old faces, and a few new ones, too. Steve Brown came down, as did Malcolm from Oxford (previously my partner in crime as an estate agent), Paul, Sarah and Lucy (previously at university), then there was Billy, director at VEE-TV, who brought JR, James and Joe with him... all in all it was quite a crowd - not forgetting Zhao (flatmate) and Pexa, of course. At around midnight, Bim (editor at VEE) and David (fellow researcher) turned up, and brought such an entourage that they doubled the number of people in the bar!
It may be Tuesday now (I think this is the longest time I haven't blogged for) but I think I'm still firmly in recovery mode as I sit here at my TV researcher's desk. That wasn't all we did at the weekend, either. Friday was an American themed night (in tribute to Ady perhaps) when we scoffed down a huge burger at the Eagle Bar round the corner from work (where milkshakes cost £4 and are almost worth it!). That was followed by an evening of live blues (funny thing ith blues, all the music sounds like different variations of the same song... anyone else noticed this?). Saturday then, was 4th Street, Sunday was an afternoon in the park, then yesterday was a chance to check out the delights of the Notting Hill Carnival (watch for a blog and snaps in the next few days!). Active, to say the least!
Chilled out last night in George's room where we listened to Don McClean's American Pie and reflected on a busy weekend... and being 24!
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