A day on the Heath

We're making a habit of exploring new places and scenery at the weekends - and last Sunday was no exception. This time we ventured closer to home though, spending the afternoon exploring Hampstead and it's gorgeous Heath.

I think there's a scale of progression from Regents Park, next to where we live, Hyde Park, and Hampstead Heath. The Heath feels like being in the countryside. While Regents Park is immaculate, and Hyde Park slightly more rugged, the Heath is muddy, earthly, not over-cared for. It's vast, really really big, and we ended up getting quite lost and eventually realising we'd gone round in a circle and found oursleves back where we started from!
The Heath, by which the poet Keats lived, ("Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they? Think not of them, thou hast thy music too, - While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day, And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue") is lush, and feels more 'real' somehow. At times, walking through, it felt as though we could be anywhere, although as the photo above proved, London was still visible, if only just, through the end of summer mist.

As usual, this was another opportunity for some random antics, as these bench photos might prove...

I think this is the first time I've featured Claire on the website - pictured above. She is the newest member of the Ghetto, by virtue of ensaring Georgie! Luckily, she has a sense of humour and has quickly learned how to put up with three moody, messy lads! Also, she buys and cooks good food, so as you can imagine, we're ecstatic that she's moved in!

Claire became Paparazzi for the afternoon, taking unexpected photos of me and George at every opportunity! We now knew what it was like to be stars! Even out in the seclusion of the rugged Heath, we were not immune from the gaze of the world's press...

Above: the strangest thing - Swans floating along on water with a surface of algae. They looked like sculptures on a five aside astroturf pitch! I thought I could just run over to them on top of the water, but needless to say, I was wrong!

Couldn't quite believe my eyes to see these people swimming in the pond - apparently George has also given it a go in the past, during winter! It might have been the end of summer, but I still couldn't see myself diving in!

Then we came across this startling sculpture - a huge table and chair. Thought we were in for a good sit-down until we realised just how big it was! The usual japery followed (below).

Another great London day out ended with a couple of pints and a meal in Marine Ices, which just so happened to be Claire's favourite restaurant in London, and served the best ice-cream I've had in a long time (I went to the gym the day after to try and make up for it!). Another day out that made us realise just how close some great places, towns, Heaths all, are to where we now reside.
And it's not all city and concrete y'know!
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