Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My birthday - snaps!

It's easy to live in denial about getting older. God only knows, I've tried. It seems like only yesterday I was living the easy life, 14 years old, sitting my SATs, hardly knowing that I had 8 straight years of exams (through GCSEs, A-Levels and Degree) ahead of me. Mum and Dad paid for everything. I did a paper-round, and later worked in Co-Op for the grand sum of £2.28 an hour. Was that really only 10 years ago?!

Time flies, it really does. I mean, I've got my twenties in front of me, most of them anyway (nearly halfway though) but there's something about being 24 which feels, well, older somehow.

Of course, I am older. Every second, every day, I'm older. Nothing can stop it. I'm older now than I was yesterday. Than I was at breakfast. Before lunch even. It's unbeliveable how it continues to creep up on you. Even on days off...

Drink helps, not that much (hangover in the morning) but just enough so that a birthday feels like a celebration rather than a commiseration. These shots weren't all for me, you'll be relived to know. There was a shot for everyone - my thanks to them all for making it to my big day. The astounding thing is that the people who came were from every different walk of my life - from university, to school friends, to mates from VEE-TV. Even Malcolm, my former estate agent pal, made it down. It was a grand night, even if everything did get a little hazy at around midnight..!

Many thanks for these snaps to Sarah and Lucy, who made my night by turning up dressed to the nines (whatever that old chestnut means)! And thanks to Paul, above, for providing the defining image of the evening!

If it's strange turning 24 - I wonder what it must be like to turn 42? Better get on with enjoying myself before anything terrible like that happens...



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