A middle-aged day out in Greenwich

You could say that Greenwich is the place where, erm, time began... all the clocks in the world are set by Greenwich time, forward or back from it. Jolly facinating, eh? Well, George, Claire and I certainly thought so, and decided to venture out over the river last Saturday.

There's a really quaint foot-tunnel which is the only one in London where you can walk under the river. The best thing about this is you feel like you're going back in time - the tunnel has been there for years and I presume hasn't changed in the slightest in that time. There are lifts on either side which are manned by two middle aged gents who hapenned to be rather talkative.
The first one criticised a passenger with a huge dog for being drunk (he seemed more drunk himself). Then, when we'd walked to the other side, the other lift attendant criticised the first lift attendant for being a "bit of an idiot." Good thing they were seperated by the tunnel.
Funny thing was, you could watch CCTV in either lift which showed what the other attendant was doing. Therefore, the only source of entertainment for either gent during their working day is monotonously watching the other. No wonder they seemed to hate each other's guts...

We ventured past the Cutty Sark and on to Greenwich itself, where we went to the time building thingy on the top of the hill - where a green lazer beamed out along the time-line. There was also a globe which moved up and down on a pole so that ships in the distance could set the time... the best bit was looking through a telescope at the Maritime College by the river. It beamed down in a pitch-black room and we could see little people walking around in the distance. Started to feel middle aged when I realised I was enjoying this kind of entertainment. Nothing against middle-aged people, of course(!).

Our day ended with a Spanish Tapas meal in Black Heath, (where all the plague victims were buried in times past). Slightly macabre walk over the heath, but the meal was darn good when we got there.

Another day out in London, another new place to see. London never seems to run out, somehow.
Got some good news - I've been comissioned to do some writing for a website - and I'm going to be paid for writing for the first time in my life! Good stuff! I do so much writing for free, I thought why not get paid for once? And so I shall. Hopefully I can write a little better than my efforts above, though, my mind is a little weary this week. Things are hotting up at work of late - and my evenings have been spent more in lethargy than in sribbling inspiration. Still, I try, dear reader, I try!
greenwich: where time is mean and witches are green
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