The 'proud' winner of the Scribbler '1000' t-shirt is my old uni housemate James! (and doesn't he look pleased...)

Some people get all the luck. Not only is my old chum James the lucky winner of the lucky '1000th' hit Scribbler t-shirt, he's also got a pretty girlfriend he can show off the beautiful t-shirt to! Colette (for that is her name) is probably even more pleased than he is! (she certainly looks that way).

It's been a couple of years now since James and I shared 61A Ilkeston Road for our final year at Nottingham Trent University. We had met when we both lived in Sandby halls in the first year, and three years later, became renouned for throwing incredible houseparties (one of which was videoed - we both own a copy - and sums up the madness of university life; not least the most shambolic game of murder in the dark you've ever seen in your life).
James was always a hard worker - spending many evenings working on his PC while I shouted upstairs whenever something good came on the box. He also proof-read and encouraged me to write my Mr. columns, which was featured in the university magazine, and is probably the sole reason I'm working in the media now...
Currently working up in Leeds, having been in America (and met Colette along the way) there's hardly a more deserving reader of the blog. His email reads like this:
I would like to see something written about the following and I would also like the quote "life is for enjoying, not enduring" included OR "life is short, work lasts forever".
The Freedom of Travel
City Vs. Country
The Origin of Friendship
Money Vs. Happiness
Cheers pal, hope to see you in the smoke or up in green leeds soon!
James, consider it done.
The Scribbler salutes you.
You can check out James's World Travels blog by clicking the following link: or the link in the right-hand column of this page.
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