Glimpsed from the train - the new Wembley.

The new Wembley may cost way too much - a rumoured £800 million - it might not be ready for next year's FA Cup final, and it's being built by the Aussies (!). But I caught sight of it last week, and earliest indications are, it's going to be a bit of a classic.

The arch that rises from the hallowed ground is visible all across London - and it seems that after demolishing the legendary twin towers, London will once again have a footballing landmark that will be recognised across the world.

One slight problem is that because of budget overruns and general costs built up through incompetence and problems that bug any project of this size, a heck of a lot of the tickets are corporate, meant for rich businessmen and company bods. 10 year seats cost about £15,000 or around £150 a game!
Nightmare. But hopefully, sometime, I'll get to go and check it out...
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