Wanton Rollerbladers

You've gotta watch out for the renegade boys on rollers - you just never know when they might appear.

It was a relatively quiet (well, as quiet as Covent Garden gets) Sunday a few weeks ago when all of a sudden, there were whistles, car horns beeping and the sound of a few rollerblades rolling across the tarmac.

It wasn't exactly renegade, it was, erm, organised. Pretty well in fact. Guys in flourescent green tops stopped the traffic in its tracks, infuriating cockney taxi drivers, but lending joy to the rollers as they gaily sped through London's streets.

Being an avid gym-goer these days, I normally come out of the place with a bit of a light-headed rush considering that I normally put in at least an hour of calf-burning, heart-straining cardiovascular work. On this particular Sunday, I imagined I might be hallucinating, meandering down the street. I wasn't.
Traffic really does stop in London. Sometimes, at least...
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