Lifesnaps # 18: Covent Garden Busker, Saturday morning

London's full of little moments. Like when you're walking down a narrow tunnel towards the Northern Line in Waterloo Station, and you hear a melodic guitar being plucked, the voice of an angel ringing out, first quiet, then as you walk closer, louder and louder. You keep walking. Sometimes they actually smile at you..!
Occasionally you pluck 10p from your pocket (!) and give them a few pence. Or you don't. Then the music gets quieter. But it stays with you, takes you away from the moment, chasing your destination.
One reason I love Covent Garden is that for all that it's one of the busiest tourist-magnets in London, there's a host of street performers who play at all times to give you a few minutes away from your day, so the crowds melt away and somehow all that exists is the music and you. Standing there.
Then there's the mimers who paint themselves white (as you do) or black, or in black and white stripes for that matter... then stand there as still as possible. I've seen a thousand of them, but somehow I can't ever help but stand and watch. Until a little kid comes along and they move all of a sudden, making everyone (not least the little kid) jump! Cheesy stuff, but it breaks up the day. There's something very 'big city' about it. Something very London.
There's something great about it, too.
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