The Scribbler... is ill

It started on Monday. I woke feeling more tired than normal, and I couldn't shake it off. My throat felt slightly sore, my nose felt slightly blocked, and then there was the creeping cough which developed on Monday night.
Yesterday morn, I went into work, only to go straight home again. I could barely walk up the stairs in Warren St tube station. I made myself buy supplies; paracetamol, lemsip, clementines, lemon and ginger tea, orange juice, tomato soup, mineral water, and then somehow dragged them back to the flat.

Then I slept. Oh, how I slept. I woke up shivering, and spent the afternoon never quite warm enough, never quite cool enough. I was fidgety, uncomfortable. I looked terrible. Sometimes I wanted a warm drink but I didn't possess the energy to get up, boil the kettle and make one. Hell I didn't even possess the energy to take a swig from the mineral water at my side.
The day crept on. At 4, 4.30, it became surreal, darkness crept in, and between slumbers, I watched Neighbours (for the first time in 2 and a half years), Watchdog, Eastenders, Holby City, just to keep me company. Later, I watched Shameless, and was slightly disapointed by their representation of a deaf character (who was a pick-pocket, signed a whole load of abuse, then got thrown off the top of a parking lot in the end)...

Illness is weird. The one time you feel half ok is when having a hot bath. So I did, but even these cannot go on forever, and before you know it, you're back in bed, fidgeting around. Even tried listening to my iPod, but it made my headache worse.

So it's Wednesday morning, and my energy's starting to come back, even if the hot sweats and headaches remain. There's been a noticable reduction in coughing, so there's some hope on the horizon!
Not sure if everyone needed to know about this, but the Scribbler's an honest chap, so he is. For better or worse, in sickness and in health, this goes to show that even when the chips are down, the Scribbler keeps Scribblin'.
get well soon... :)
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