Saying goodbye to the Ghetto!

My room in the ghetto is now bare. It's amazing what your possessions add up to - in my case complete chaos. My packing style has since been much maligned...
I'm not a box man, put it that way. For a start, there's only so many boxes you can carry. And getting doors open as you're mid-carry is difficult. Not to mention getting a break. It's a long way down to the floor when you're carrying 3 boxes at once...

No, I prefer the potential carrying load of bin liners. By lifting your arms you can open doors, while you can always sling them over your back as you're walking. The only slight problem is they can split...
Anyway, all that's in the past now, and as I was saying, it's amazing what a room can be reduced to. I had posters, picture frames (one broke when I left, sniff) and scribbles (of course) all over the walls. It became more than a room. It was a kind of urban paradise. A pocket of Scribbler amongst the chaos and crowds..!
So these are the last few snaps of the ghetto... stay tuned for details of the final night in the ghetto, and the new joint!

Bin liners? ...Surely you mean garbage bags or trash bags?
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