The Scribbler's place of work!

I've been working at Betty, a television production company in Bloomsbury, for the past 6 months, and this is my penultimate week!
I've shied away from ever mentioning work on this blog - for several reasons.
The first being that it'd be highly unprofessional to blog your working week, workmates, experiences, particularly when you're working in such a competitive industry where information means power. Sensible stuff. Not like me.
The second - and most important - reason is that work after all, is work, however much fun you're having! The Scribbler exists outside work, in life's random scribbles, rants and tales - and for those reasons, I hope you've been enjoying it.
But work still exists. It's part of my life. So here it is.

After 6 months, the company has expanded faster and quicker than most people could have imagined. (all down to me, y'know... not.)
To be honest, the wooden floors have led to acoustic issues which haven't been easy on my electronic ears, but the stomping ground looks great on camera at least! The office is always full of chatter, banter, and all-round chaos. That's just TV, I guess - and the parties are great. Full of Champagne and usually followed by a hangover. Hope the rest of the industry is the same!

(Sorry for this posed shot - I was trying to look not only professional, but also attractive enough to get a few women sending in their emails. Not holding my breath. )
When I started at Betty, I'd only done 2 months in TV, with VEE-TV, and in terms of experience, I was a bit of a novice.
It's not as though I've become a world-wise media mogul in this time, but certainly over the past 2 months, I've felt like Ithings have come together.
But the changes of the past 6 months have been most pronounced outside work. I've lately had my first paid writing commision, I've really benefited from the screenwriting course I've done one night a week (and have developed three treatments already - but no scripts yet!) - and I've taken up going to the gym 2-3 times a week.
Hell, I've even learned that I can grow a beard.
Isn't life amazing..!
Have a wicked weekend, full of chaos, madness and dare I say it, a scribble or two...
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