For Sale! A Scribbler T-shirt!

The Scribbler is a free blog. No money is asked for, or taken... or even offered for that matter. Sometimes, however, there's an opportunity to do something a bit different. Something a bit interesting.
Something to cover your costs...
Only kidding! Well, not that no money will be asked for, but hey, you don't have to make a bid on ebay for this Scribbler t-shirt. You don't have to do anything. This is an experiment, after all. Sure people like reading the Scribbler. But do they like wearing the Scribbles? The answer, it seems is coming up sometime on Friday, when the auction ends..! All you have to do is...
Click on this ebay link -

The price (at the moment of posting this blog) is £2. I need £5 to cover my costs (labour not included) which means that whether or not this t-shirt gets sold, and whether or not the scribbler makes any money from it, there will be drama.
Oh yes there will. Drama, certainly.
And quite probably, a few tears...
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