SuperScribbler! I saved a woman's life, y'know... well, probably.

Was it a bird? A plane? No, it was the Scribbler!
I move slightly slower than a speeding bullet, let me tell you that now. In fact, I move slightly slower than a speeding tortoise, so you might wonder just how an ordinary London man became, in a split second, a hero (of sorts) last week... let me tell you.
After walking across Waterloo Bridge after work (cold, it was) I was crossing the road at Aldwych heading in the vaugue direction of Covent Garden. Presuming the traffic was coming from the left, I stepped out into the road, checking right too (as you're told when you're a kid) just to be sure. In a split second, I realised I got the road all wrong, traffic was actually coming from the right, so I quickly stopped, and stepped back.
The thing is, the woman to the right of me didn't. She was walking brazenly out into the oncoming traffic... still looking the wrong way.
I didn't have time to think (heroes never do...) next thing I knew, my hand reached out, and pulled the lady back.
Looking back, I keep thinking maybe I should have said something... like 'STOP!' but I didn't want to confuse the issue. I didn't have much time. Grab her I did, and pulled her back, as a taxi sailed past us.
The lady was shaken. Shocked. Maybe it was at being grabbed and pulled back, maybe it was because of the near miss - I don't know! But I had to grab her, so I did.
Did she say thanks? No. I think she just wanted to get out of there. Maybe that says a lot about London, I don't know. But it had to be done. The Scribbler had to step in. Would she definitely have been doomed? Well, injured I think, but being pulled back was definitely the best thing that could have happened to her, given the circumstances.
You see, I look like an ordinary guy, like Clark Kent (although while he wore glasses, my disguise is simply hearing-aids) but when the chips are down, we're both ready to step in. Not saying I'm a hero or anything.
Well, ok, guess I am actually. But I can live with that, if my blog readers can...!
All I need now is a costume and some dodgy y-fronts... covered in scribbles, obviously.
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