The Scribbler lands in Bollywood!

Bollywood weddings have nothing on this! This is last Sunday's union between two of my old university friends, Farhana and James. Congrats to them both!
I still remember when Farhana first met James when we were at Nottingham Trent University, when we were doing our best to not actually study for a Politics degree. She’d met this nice guy she got all coy about... well, as coy as Farhana ever gets..! (not very!)
They became an item, he went through a muscle man stage (don’t know why that’s relevant but it sticks in the memory even now) then calmed down again!

They stuck together after uni, living in Lincoln after Nottingham. As with so many friends, you hear about them but you don't see them for a while.
Then one day, just a few weeks ago I got an invite in the post. I acknowledge that people my age do get married, but it still shocks me to find out they’re doing it! I came to terms with the shock in time...
And so it was that last Sunday I trekked up to Leicester to find all the old university faces waiting for me on my arrival! Haps, Ben, Paul & Pippa, Lisa & Rich, Sheelah. I had flashbacks to hundreds of nights out on the town in Nottingham – although we were somewhat more sober this time around!

One of my abiding memories is of silly string being sprayed everywhere after they’d said their vows! And of a million people coming up to shake their hands and greet them in married life - and get their photos taken with the happy couple!

All the best to them both – I’m incredibly jealous actually because they’ve just flown to the Maldives..! Have a great one, guys!
wow I had no idea they were tying the knot! The wedding looked great fun, congratulations to them both! So much talk of weddings on your blog recently Charlie...maybe you and the mystery blonde could be next!?
Debbie... behave!
ps. flabbergasted to see you're still reading it all the way from Latin America! Your blog looks great too - hope you're both keeping well!
*mystery blonde would love to reply but she has fainted with shock! *
*picks up the mystery blonde and simultaneously deletes Debbie Lee from address book..!*
please can you wait until I return next jan for your wedding!
yup, Im still tuning in to the scribbler every friday (or is it weds today?)to check whats happenning in London. Sorry to hear about your gym mate, perhaps you can take up rollerskating in hyde park?
Rollerblading in Hyde Park, Debs? I'm not Madonna, you know!!!
*Mystery blonde would prefer it if all talk about weddings is focused on Mr Brown! It's not good for her fragile disposition you know
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