Should the new 101 emergency number be put in Room 101?

A new emergency number has been launched, not to replace 999, which we all know (and love?) so well, but rather to run alongside it.
It's not a free number, oh no. It's for people who have a semi-emergency, something they need to solve urgently but which isn't the responsibility of the emergency services. The new number is 101.
It's been launched because so many batty people have been phoning 999 for supposed 'emergencies' which are nothing of the sort. A cat up a tree, a pigeon in a chimney, a lost remote control... that kind of thing. Apparently, 70% of calls to 999 are for non-emergencies. So you'd think that the new number is a pretty good idea. The Scribbler, however, is not so sure...
Surely if you're intelligent enough, indeed diligent enough, to keep two numbers in your head and know that you should call 101 rather than 999, then you're the kind of person who wouldn't be dim enough to call 999 for a non-emergency in the first place.
I predict that the kind of people who called 999 unneccessarily in the past will do the same now. They're just those kind of people...
Am I wrong? Am I? Answers on a postcard, please...
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