When Gran stole Eddie's pint... a true story!

It's not what you expect is it?
I'd always thought of Grandma as a lady of standards. She's always good for advice - how to wash your whites, cook your dinner (stew and mash, gorgeous) and avoid drinking too much at parties ("don't drink at all" she says). Then this happens.
Eddie's not a big drinker by any means, but he likes his half pints, he does. So there we were, sitting in the Navigation Inn, Derbyshire, enjoying a leisurely Sunday afternoon, when his beer slowly sinks from his glass.
Every time he looks at it, there's less there. Soon he has to order another one. But he's barely had a sip.
Funnily enough, around the same time, Grandma was getting perky. I wouldn't say tipsy, more merry than anything else. She was having a good time, it seemed. And in a flash, and only a flash, all was revealed. She'd beeen secretly, and covertly, sinking Edwin's ale. Harsh stuff for her grandson, but you could say she was looking after his best interests, if not her own...
We were all shocked - but she seemed to be having a great time.
I got on the train at 5pm that afternoon, back to the big smoke. Apparently they had an amazing night after I left. That's one thing about my Gran, she knows how to party. And to down an ale or two..!
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