Brazil draws nearer...

So far I've bought factor 35 suncream, a new toothbrush, and some chewing gum. Guess that's me halfway packed for Rio then!
It's all happened so quickly, I've barely had time to think about it, but in just over 24 hours, I'll be on a flight to Brazil, hoping that the movies they show aren't too cheesy (or too hard to hear for that matter!).
Strangely, it feels real that I'm going, but I can't quite imagine that I'm going to be there, nor that I'll be standing around in boiling humid heat so soon. I'll be slapping on the suncream on a permanent basis for the next two weeks. While simultaneously drinking gallons of mineral water!
I've never been to South America. I've never even been anywhere hot during winter. New experiences are few and far between when you're 24, so bring it on...
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