The Scribbler packs his bags... for Rio De Janeiro!

Big news people. The Scribbler, yes that's right, the man who keeps you all entertained (or at least semi-occupied) five days a week, might soon be going rather quiet. For this Tuesday, at approximately 8pm, he will be departing these rain-soaked shored for the hot climes of Rio De Janeiro!
Why am I flying to Brazil? Well, it's for work, y'know (yay!) and it will involve not only a whole load of samba dancing and running around the streets of Rio, but also a chance to meet some Brazilian deaf bods, which I will surely be reporting back on!

You can also be fully assured that the Scribbler will have a camera handy at all times, even if, for security, his camera is likely to be a disposable one more often than not...

Did I mention that our apartment complex is just off Copacabana Beach? Getting jealous yet? This is going to be our view...

I can't wait. Only one problem. There's not enough room to take anyone else with me. Sorry!
Not even sure if I can blog... so you'll all have to find other means of occupying yourselves!
Hope your weekend is good - I'll be spending it with the mystery blonde, who would be coming to Brazil, if only she was a contortionist and could hold her breath in my luggage for a 12 hour plane flight. But it gets mighty cold in the hold, or so I've heard, so that's not an option. Unfortunately!
Enjoy yourselves. I'll be dreaming of sun, sea and samba!
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