Friday, February 17, 2006

The Scribbler speaks... through sanctions!

Blah. That's all you're getting from me. Blah! Nothing I can do you see, the Scribbler has been restricted until further notice. Sniff!

Normal services will be resumed on the 28th Feb, or the 1st March... depending on how quickly I recover after I get back from... ah see there, you nearly caught me! Can't talk about that. OR anything... for a week and more! Boo Hoo!

So what I want you all to do is think, just think of the great things the Scribbler normally blogs about. Think about the things you'd like to read him blogging about. It's almost as good as the real thing you see... you can do it if you really try!

Ah, who am I trying to kid? It doesn't work, does it? You'll just have to be patient, and wait for my return from....

Darn it. (*zips mouth up*)

Have a ball... I... might be!


You can read this!!!

It's not the same, but it is the Scribbler Under another guise!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Hello from Rio!

Hello there folks!

From our apartment overlooking Copacabana beach I can see a huge stage which is being set up for the Rolling Stones free gig in 3 days time, while to the other side of me, I see the statue of Jesus poking through Rio`s clouds. Rio`s hot, busy, the beach is huge, the people seem to be from every ethnic mix possible (you can spot the British because of their burned skin like anywhere though!)

Wish I could write more but I can`t. Sorry!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Eddie eyeing up the ladeeezz!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Brazil draws nearer...

So far I've bought factor 35 suncream, a new toothbrush, and some chewing gum. Guess that's me halfway packed for Rio then!

It's all happened so quickly, I've barely had time to think about it, but in just over 24 hours, I'll be on a flight to Brazil, hoping that the movies they show aren't too cheesy (or too hard to hear for that matter!).

Strangely, it feels real that I'm going, but I can't quite imagine that I'm going to be there, nor that I'll be standing around in boiling humid heat so soon. I'll be slapping on the suncream on a permanent basis for the next two weeks. While simultaneously drinking gallons of mineral water!

I've never been to South America. I've never even been anywhere hot during winter. New experiences are few and far between when you're 24, so bring it on...

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Scribbler packs his bags... for Rio De Janeiro!

Big news people. The Scribbler, yes that's right, the man who keeps you all entertained (or at least semi-occupied) five days a week, might soon be going rather quiet. For this Tuesday, at approximately 8pm, he will be departing these rain-soaked shored for the hot climes of Rio De Janeiro!

Why am I flying to Brazil? Well, it's for work, y'know (yay!) and it will involve not only a whole load of samba dancing and running around the streets of Rio, but also a chance to meet some Brazilian deaf bods, which I will surely be reporting back on!

You can also be fully assured that the Scribbler will have a camera handy at all times, even if, for security, his camera is likely to be a disposable one more often than not...

Did I mention that our apartment complex is just off Copacabana Beach? Getting jealous yet? This is going to be our view...

I can't wait. Only one problem. There's not enough room to take anyone else with me. Sorry!

Not even sure if I can blog... so you'll all have to find other means of occupying yourselves!

Hope your weekend is good - I'll be spending it with the mystery blonde, who would be coming to Brazil, if only she was a contortionist and could hold her breath in my luggage for a 12 hour plane flight. But it gets mighty cold in the hold, or so I've heard, so that's not an option. Unfortunately!

Enjoy yourselves. I'll be dreaming of sun, sea and samba!


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Random Scribble # 24

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Wednesday in Waterloo!

Another day at work in the shadow of Waterloo. The VEE-team is coming together now, shooting begins next week and all sorts of plans are being made, meetings scheduled, and somewhere amongst all this, the evenings are getting lighter...

So hows the Scribbler? Not bad! A little stiff from the gym last night, overdid it on the step machine... as you do.

Meanwhile the ebay t-shirt is all the way up to £9.01p with 20 hours to go, so I'm hoping I'll make a profit! I'm meeting the mystery blonde for a few drinks in about an hour, so my day is about to leave the computer screen, and get a lot more interesting!

Found a funny photo of the Queen at Waterloo station, which I thought you blog regulars would enjoy! Here it is... Don't know what was going on here, but I'm glad I don't have to attend offical functions, put it that way...

Would have loved to mischieviously pop one of those balloons... or all of them for that matter.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lifesnaps # 19 - The design museum!

I tell ya, there's only a few places in the big smoke that you could classify as being irrefutably cool. Totally cool, like there's no doubt about it, no debate. It's not even in question. That kinda thing.

The design museum is one of those places.

There, on the South Bank, not only can you see all the toys you miss from when you were a kid, you can see the underground map like how it used to be (all wavy rather than easy to read) and the earliest computer games. You can see the cars your Dad still tells you about every time you trip home. Ok, maybe that's not so cool after all...

When you finally get out of the exhibition area, you then find yourself in a shop where you can buy all manner of mad little objects. Like paper curtains, flatpack ornaments, and even a magnetic paperclip holder in the shape of a hedgehog... wow! All these little things that you could stick in yer house and when you have visitors they'd just spend hours figuring out how to use them...

Then there's the old mini, a pristinely preserved antique in fact, an obsession not only of the mystery blonde, but also my Dad, who I remember kissed goodbye to his old black mini when I was barely 5 years old. I still remember waving it goodbye! I also remember breaking my leg and Dad wrapping loads of towels on the plaster when he picked me up from the hospital... because he didn't want to stain the seat! A car that was truly loved.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Blondesnaps # 1: a subtitled train journey...

Could they put subtitles on life, I wonder? I wish!

Friday, February 03, 2006

SuperScribbler! I saved a woman's life, y'know... well, probably.

Was it a bird? A plane? No, it was the Scribbler!

I move slightly slower than a speeding bullet, let me tell you that now. In fact, I move slightly slower than a speeding tortoise, so you might wonder just how an ordinary London man became, in a split second, a hero (of sorts) last week... let me tell you.

After walking across Waterloo Bridge after work (cold, it was) I was crossing the road at Aldwych heading in the vaugue direction of Covent Garden. Presuming the traffic was coming from the left, I stepped out into the road, checking right too (as you're told when you're a kid) just to be sure. In a split second, I realised I got the road all wrong, traffic was actually coming from the right, so I quickly stopped, and stepped back.

The thing is, the woman to the right of me didn't. She was walking brazenly out into the oncoming traffic... still looking the wrong way.

I didn't have time to think (heroes never do...) next thing I knew, my hand reached out, and pulled the lady back.

Looking back, I keep thinking maybe I should have said something... like 'STOP!' but I didn't want to confuse the issue. I didn't have much time. Grab her I did, and pulled her back, as a taxi sailed past us.

The lady was shaken. Shocked. Maybe it was at being grabbed and pulled back, maybe it was because of the near miss - I don't know! But I had to grab her, so I did.

Did she say thanks? No. I think she just wanted to get out of there. Maybe that says a lot about London, I don't know. But it had to be done. The Scribbler had to step in. Would she definitely have been doomed? Well, injured I think, but being pulled back was definitely the best thing that could have happened to her, given the circumstances.

You see, I look like an ordinary guy, like Clark Kent (although while he wore glasses, my disguise is simply hearing-aids) but when the chips are down, we're both ready to step in. Not saying I'm a hero or anything.

Well, ok, guess I am actually. But I can live with that, if my blog readers can...!

All I need now is a costume and some dodgy y-fronts... covered in scribbles, obviously.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Scribbler T-Shirt Sale!

An update.

Thus far, no bids whatsoever for the Scribbler T-Shirt...


The experiment is not going well, after all. At least I'm taking it in good spirit. Well, trying to...

I've now extended the time period to 10 days, so another 6 days to go, hopefully someone will bid. Somebody. Only £2 after all... not much eh?

Don't feel you have to or anything.

THE SCRIBBLER (disapointed!)